Communication is key

In this post I’d like to share something I’ve seen and experienced over and over again. It was relevant when I still did client projects at a web development company, it’s relevant for my personal projects and it’s relevant when working remote for WooThemes. Communication is one of the most important things there is.
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Learn from user feedback

nRelated is going to shut down their service and a lot of people are moving over to Related Posts for WordPress as an alternative. These ‘movers’ are different than people that decided they needed related posts on their website, found my plugin and installed it. These ‘movers’ are already used to specific features, so their expectations are very specific. For many people the move from nRelate to Related Posts for WordPress is a good fit but not for everyone.
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You need a staging website

If you’re serious about what you do online, you care about the stability of your website. This goes for all sort of websites but especially for webshops. Let’s say it like it is. You’re losing money when your website isn’t working properly. And I’m not just talking about losing money when your website is completely down but also when there are bugs due that one plugin you decided to update on your live website.
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