Bubbles and Brass

Somewhere last year I decided I needed to start working on something fun that had nothing to do with WordPress. It’s not that I don’t like WordPress anymore or that I’m moving away from it, it’s that I’ve worked with WordPress full time for years now. Where I used to work with other languages and/or frameworks before, this became less and less over time. And when I finally started Never5, the WordPress bubble was at an all time high.
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The Next Chapter

Around 1.5 months ago something big happened in the WordPress space, Automattic acquired WooThemes. As a WooCommerce developer this had more consequences for me than most realized.

Today I’m excited to announce that I will be full time focussing on fulfilling my dream. I will be selling my own products, under a new name. Starting today, Never5 will be the company that sells my currently available and future premium plugins. I’m very excited to get this started!
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