How to Boost Sales Using Related Posts

An image of a panda in a suit, pointing to a whiteboard with a graph. In pixel art

You can find many good resources and tools for your website to attract visitors. The first challenge for every (eCommerce) website is to generate traffic. But once you have pulled people onto your site, the next task is to convert them into customers. Conversion has become one of the most used KPIs for determining a stores success. There are countless ways to optimize your conversion but one well proven way when selling anything is to offer your product at the right moment to the right crowd. So if you got that crowd on your site, how to lead them into your store?

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A white screen in WordPress

So you activated/updated a plugin, changed a setting or maybe did some custom coding and now all you see is a white screen om your WordPress website? This annoying white screen, also known as the ‘White Screen Of Death’, is the result of a suppressed PHP error. The PHP error can be caused by many different things and as long as you’re only seeing a white screen, you’re not likely to find out what.
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Unable to install plugins on localhost

When creating WordPress websites I like to do so locally (e.g. XAMPP). Working locally has allot of advantages like faster load speed, being able to load the entire project in the IDE of your choice (code suggestion for your entire project) and the ability to use versioning software (like SVN and GIT). The only problem I had was not being able to install plugins from within the plugin backend page. Continue Reading…