When developing a custom theme I love using Roots Theme. One of the reasons I do is because of it’s integration of Twitter’s Bootstrap. The only thing I always change is the menu’s behaviour, I want it to open on mouse over instead of on click.
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Tag Archives: menu
Open menu items in new window or tab

I often get asked how to have menu items open in a new window or tab, also known as target=”blank”. This feature is supported in WordPress by default, you just need to know how to enable it. Open “Screen Options” in theĀ Appearance > Menus page and click on the “Link Target” checkbox under “Show advanced menu properties”.
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Remove unwanted WordPress menu items

When creating WordPress websites for clients I like to remove features that will not be used to prevent confusion and questions. For example, allot of WordPress website I create do not contain a blog and therefore have no ‘Posts’ menu item.
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