I’m very happy to tell you that since last Friday I’m the new owner of Download Monitor! Mike and I talk daily and one day he talked about how busy he was with his other project and that he simply didn’t have time to maintain or support it. We had a chat about it and last week I officially adopted Download Monitor.
What does this adoption exactly mean?
Having adopted the plugin I will from now on be the owner and main developer of the plugin. Mike transferred the WordPress.org repository and the GitHub repositories to me. To make development easier I’ve created an organization for the latter. For all the work Mike has done and because of his intent to stay involved in core development he will stay listed as one of the authors of the plugin.
What will change?
I’m currently doing some structural changes to the code and I’m implementing some code standards and best practices. After that I will look through the currently open support tickets and separate bugs from support requests. I will report the bugs in the GitHub repository and will put them in milestones. I’m aiming on releasing an update soon that will include these structural changes and some of the most important bug fixes.
I’m very excited about this new challenge! Mike really did an outstanding job on Download Monitor so far and I can’t wait to take it to the next level! I’ll definitely blog more about Download Monitor in the future.
Niiice! I used that plugin a while back – did some hackery to customize it but I’d use it again.
Awesome! Be sure to let me know if there’s anything you ran into!
Any plans of making premium version? I would so love to pay to receive guaranteed support and some premium features – this plugin is simply fantastic.
More extensions are in the making to cover the premium feature needs. I’ll support the plugin the best I can, if you’re paying customer or not 🙂
This is good news. I donated to Mike and I’d gladly donate to you too or buy a premium version!
This is great news. I love this plugin and would love to see it updated more frequently. Definitely watching the git repo and look forward to what you do with it!
Thanks for the kind words, Jamie.