Some time ago I adopted Download Monitor. I’ve done quite some work on improving its architecture and optimizing the code, laying the foundation for future work and stability. I’m happy to tell you that I’ve released version 1.6 of Download Monitor today!
Version 1.6 Changes
A lot of work has been put into cleaning up classes and (re)moving code. An autoloader has been implemented and classes are now only loaded when needed, decreasing memory use and thus improving performance. The internal use of globals have been removed and all globals but the main global has been removed. The main global should be considered deprecated but is left in the plugin for backwards compatibility. Version 1.6 includes more improvements and bug fixes which can be read in the changelog.
Download Monitor currently has 3 extensions which all have been updated as well. Due the changes in the main plugin describes above it’s required to update the extensions if you update Download Monitor to 1.6 or higher. All users of the Page Addon and Amazon S3 extensions have received an email with upgrade instructions. Looking for the latest version of one of our extensions? Check out the new Download Monitor website.
New Website
With these updates also comes a new Download Monitor website. All currently available extensions build by Download Monitor will from now on only be available via this website. I’m still working on getting the documentation on the website but until then it will still be available via the GitHub Wiki Pages. The website is build on WooTheme’s StoreFront and while I might be considered biased, it was a joy to work with.
Over to you
I’m very excited about these updates and the new website and I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! Please note that if you need help with upgrading, the comments section isn’t the best way to do this. If you need help with the Download Monitor update, please use the WordPress support forum. If you need help with one of our extension, please use the contact form on our website.
Congrats! Great job Barry.
Thank you very much. This is a great plugin.