It’s been a while since I blogged, I blame the blogging challenge I did December last year. While I enjoyed the challenge it slowly turned into a chore that I needed to do everyday. This resulted in needing at least a full month of non blogging to get back at my WordPress post page. But I’m back, and with some excited news.
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Some time ago I adopted Download Monitor. I’ve done quite some work on improving its architecture and optimizing the code, laying the foundation for future work and stability. I’m happy to tell you that I’ve released version 1.6 of Download Monitor today!
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Security should be one of the (if not the) most important aspects of your plugin. Ironically it’s also one of the most difficult parts to explain. There’s no ‘quick fix’ to writing a secure plugin. There are so many aspects to writing a secure plugin and on top of that it’s an ever changing game. Luckily there are some tips that can help make your plugin more secure and one of them is disabling direct file access to your plugin files. Please note that solely preventing direct access to your files doesn’t make your plugin secure but it does help in making it more secure.
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Something really cool happened yesterday, Related Posts for WordPress passed 10.000 downloads! Passing the 10K mark plus all the positive feedback I’ve received over the past few months is (way) beyond the expectations I had when I launched the plugin in August this year.
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Today Related Posts for WordPress passed 1000 downloads! A small milestone in the eye of many but a pretty big one for me. I realize that download figures don’t reflect plugin quality or user happiness but the fact that Related Posts for WordPress managed to pass 1K in 17 days is definitely motivation for me to keep going. Also the reviews on wordpress.org and mentions on Twitter are amazing to see, thanks a lot!
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